Thursday, November 10, 2011

Teabagging the Dog.

It used to be the primaries of a presidential election were to find the best and brightest of the party to debate it out and have us choose which one of these outstanding American citizens we wanted to go forward into the general election and hopefully win it and become the leader of the free world.
The GOP has decided to self destruct in a manner that would normally be considered funny as fucking hell, if it weren't for such dire situations.
By hitching their wagon to the far right wing social conservative fucktards, like the Tea Party their dog is now effectively being wagged by the tail. Whether by accident of design, the Tea Party dances at the strings of the uber rich like the Koch brothers and other politically active billionaires.
To get the poor and working class to go along with a plan to keep the upper class, county club member, social elites from paying taxes, they had to pander to the lowest common denominator. Racism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc.
This strategy is very effective in southern states where people are sharp as bags of wet oatmeal and as bright as a rusty ball ping hammer.
But the bad news for the GOP is, all their leading candidates are about as dumb as the fucktards they pandered to, and it shows during the primary. Donning big floppy shoes and bright red rubber noses could not have been any worse at showing what a bunch of morons they are running.
Normally we would think this is a good thing as unless he is caught in bed with a live boy or a dead girl, Obama is a shoe-in for a historic re-election landslide in 2012.
But with an assumed 2nd term in the bag, I am afraid Obama may continue to lean right toward the corporate interests. After all he has no one to challenge him on any of his policy decisions as their will be no Democratic primary and no one will take anything the stooges say seriously. I heard that the White House is already gearing up for a campaign against Romney.
A Massachusetts liberal that supports gun laws, womens choice, and universal health care, (yeah he has flip flopped on those recently) who wears magical underwear because he belongs to what most of the Tea Party nuts think of as a cult. As if his nutty Mormon beliefs are any goofier than the ones the Teabaggers believe.
Let's just hope that Obama, unencumbered with having to worry about another election, will focus on things that are the right thing to do, I.E., closing Guantanamo, ending the wars, taxing the wealthy, pushing for alternative energy, and other things that get the right wing fucktards howling in dismay.
I haven't given up on Obama. But he does need to stand up and realize that the right will hate and vilify him forever.
Nothing can be done about that. So fuck'em. Get to work on being a great president Mr. Obama and not worry about getting republicans to like you.

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