Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hannity the Pussy Part 2

Continuing with the Hannity beat down theme from below, I would just like to say that I am no way a big fan of the meat head Jesse Ventura.
However he did manage to shout down the fucktard host and call him on most of the bullshit that Hannity vomits on a regular basis.
Ventura should have called him on one of the lies that Hannity and all the fucktards like to blather nonstop about, and that is the untruth that Bill Clinton turned down the opportunity to have Osama bin Laden handed over to him by the Sudanese.
Lets forget the 911 commision report that said that was a crock of shit. Lets just use some goddamn plain old logic and common sense. Yeah yeah, I know. Those two elements are kryptonite to the fucktard mind and can never be used around Republicans. But this is just us so we can utilize it.
According to Hannity and his ilk, the Sudanese government or some element in the Sudan offered then President Bill Clinton Osama bin Laden and the president turned down the offer.
Ok, here is where some logic has to be utilized. Lets pretend that it really happened, that for some unfathomable reason Bill Clinton did not want him, that there were some legal loop holes that would cause some problems (remember that is was pre 9-11) or perhaps he was just blinded because he was focused on getting blowjobs from the chunky chick that was bringing him the mail. Doesn't really matter.
Who had bin Laden? Did they capture him and were holding him in a cell somewhere? Hannity and company never say that the Sudanese offered to hunt down and capture him, they say they tried to hand him over to Clinton.
Suppose you were these people who were holding bin Laden. You had just tried to hand over a powerful billionaire terrorist to the enemy he had sworn to God to kill.
Now what do you do with him when Clinton didn't want him? Was there no one else interested in having him? After all, he was reported to have masterminded attacks on a lot of other people too. Tony Blair didn't want him either? How about that French fucker? Him either? None of the European democracies wanted to bring this monster to justice?
Ok. So nobody wants his sorry ass, you just let him go and say sorry about that? No fear that he will retalitate for capturing him and trying to hand him over to his enemies?
What a crock of shit. The sad thing is, fucktards eat that lie up like a starving hobo on a balogna sandwich. And you can't use logic on them because once you pull that glowing green meteroite out of your lead lined pocket they flee in terror.
If we could just get some Democrats with spines to just stand up and list the mother fucking facts, the Republicans would be laughed out of town.
I guess that is just way to much to hope for.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me, for all the world, of the day I busted my 3 year old grandson coloring on the wall. He pointd to a bug and said, "The bug colored on the wall an' I's cleanin it up."
    In the face of the stongest evidince Republicans can do nothing but lay blame, admitting no reponsibility.
